Collaborative Lawyers

Our highly experienced Collaborative Lawyers will work with you and your ex-partner to reach an amicable and respectful agreement without the need to go to Court.

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Reaching A Fair & Amicable Agreement Is Much Easier When You Work With A Collaborative Lawyer

Collaborative law helps you focus on the future and reach a family law agreement that works for everyone. The aim is to amicably and respectfully reach a mutually acceptable agreement without Court intervention. 

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What Is Collaborative Law?

Collaborative law is a process where you and your former partner or spouse work together with collaboratively trained lawyers and other professionals to reach a family law agreement without going to Court.

It is growing in popularity in Australia for people wanting to finalise family matters or family law disputes without initiating court action.

It allows a separating couple to reach a collaborative agreement with the support of their own lawyer and other professionals such as financial planners and accountants who also work collaboratively.

This type of law avoids the adversarial approach of litigation and allows an agreement to be reached that is focused on the best outcome possible for both parties.

The Advantages Of The Collaborative Law Process

The collaborative divorce process consists of a series of informal discussions and joint meetings involving both parties and their representatives. During these meetings, a ‘collaborative team’ is formed to resolve the dispute.

  • It’s a private process that keeps your family matters out of Court
  • You keep control of the separation and divorce process
  • You avoid the stress of going to Court and all of the associated Court costs
  • It’s a cost-effective approach to resolving family disputes.
  • The solution is designed by you and your former partner rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • You can maintain an ongoing harmonious relationship with your previous partner, which is really beneficial for your family
  • A fair settlement can be reached in terms of your needs, interests and objectives

The collaborative process is designed to be an efficient way to resolve disputes or reach family law agreements. Reaching an amicable resolution is likely to be far quicker and less stressful than litigation.

Book a Free 15-Minute Discovery Call with Our Experienced Collaboration Divorce Lawyers

Contact us to arrange an appointment with one of our highly experienced family lawyers. We can discuss the most suitable options for your family law matter or dispute resolution needs.

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Collaborative Practice For Divorce & Separation

In a collaborative divorce process, you’re supported by professionals whose expertise will guide and inform you along the way.

Lawyers work with other collaborative practitioners to ensure a holistic overview of matters at hand and support parties involved in making their own informed decisions.

This process breaks free of traditional structures to reach an agreement after relationships end, encouraging clients to be proactive and present in making decisions.

The time frame can be more flexible than court proceedings, and there is more opportunity for creative solutions to be implemented that genuinely work for both parties involved.

Once agreements have been reached, they will be made into legally binding family law documents so you can move forward with your life post-separation or divorce.

Meet Our Collaborative Lawyers

Judy Stewart

Judy is an Accredited Family Law Specialist since 2003, combines her social work background with legal expertise to provide effective family law solutions. Recognised as a leading mediator and Collaborative lawyer, she promotes conciliatory dispute resolution and holds multiple legal qualifications and memberships.

Temika Slee

Temika is an Accredited Family Law Specialist with a double degree in law and journalism, has practised exclusively in family law since 2012. She values personal connections with clients and is known for her organised, responsive, and conciliatory approach to resolving issues.

Judy Stewart with Temika Slee

Frequently Asked Questions

Collaborative practice in family law is a non-adversarial process where both parties and their respective collaboratively trained lawyers work together to resolve disputes amicably. This method emphasises communication, mutual respect, and cooperation to reach a settlement that best serves the interests of both parties and any children involved. Legal professionals, mental health specialists, financial advisors and accountants work in collaborative practice.

For more information, please visit the Queensland Collaborative Law website or the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP)’s website.

Collaborative law and mediation are both cooperative methods, but they have some key differences. Mediation involves a neutral third party assisting the parties to negotiate, while collaborative law involves a number of meetings with both parties and their solicitors present. Collaborative law can include mediation and can involve several practitioners from multiple disciplines.

Collaborative family law is ideal for couples in a good working relationship who want to resolve their differences without going to Court. It’s an interests-based style of negotiation that aims to solve all problems amicably.

Communication can be difficult after the end of a relationship, but collaborative law provides an opportunity for an honest exchange of information. Problem-solving is direct and focused on solutions.

There are a few factors to consider whether a Collaborative Family Law process will be right for you and your former partner to navigate the legal aspects of your relationship ending.

If you and your former partner want to reach an agreement working together rather than against each other, then a Collaborative Family Law process will most likely work for you.

It may be more challenging if the separation is high conflict or there are high emotional levels on one or both sides. Separations or divorces where family violence or child abuse is a factor are often not suitable for a collaborative divorce or separation.

A collaboratively trained lawyer is a legal professional who specialises in the collaborative law process. They are trained to facilitate negotiations and problem-solving in family law disputes without going to Court. These lawyers work with clients and other professionals to reach amicable solutions, emphasising collaboration and mutual respect.

Yes, agreements reached through the collaborative law process can be legally binding. Once both parties agree on the terms, the contract can be formalised as a binding legal document, such as a consent order, which is then submitted to the Court for approval. This ensures the enforceability of agreed terms.

Collaboration in law refers to a method of dispute resolution where parties work together cooperatively to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Often used in family law, this process involves open communication, transparency, and respect. Collaborative law aims to avoid the adversarial nature of traditional litigation, focusing instead on problem-solving and compromise.

The collaborative law process emphasises cooperation, transparency, and respect. Key features include voluntary agreements to avoid litigation, the use of collaboratively trained lawyers, open communication, and the involvement of neutral professionals, such as financial advisors, to facilitate comprehensive and fair resolutions.

“I wanted to let you know, Temika – how very grateful I have been to have you represent me over the past few years. You have certainly seen my worst side and kept me sane when I have really needed it! Your professionalism is second to none and I couldn’t have asked for any one better to be on my side! So from the very bottom of my heart thank you!!”

– KD

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