Separation Lawyers Brisbane

If you are considering ending your marriage or leaving a de facto relationship, speak to one of our highly experienced Separation Lawyers today.

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Our Lawyers Will Help Guide You Through Separation With Clarity & Care

Separating from a significant relationship can be emotionally and legally challenging, often requiring expert guidance to resolve issues like asset division and parenting matters.

Our experienced Separation Lawyers offer personalised, compassionate, and strategic advice, aiming for amicable resolutions while ensuring your legal rights are protected and providing exceptional representation if needed.

We Help You Through The Legal Aspects Of Separation

There is a lot to consider when you are going through a separation, especially if you’ve built your life with someone and planned a long-term future together.

Whether it’s a de facto breakup or marriage breakdown, it’s likely to impact your financial future, as well as your family life, if you share children. That’s why getting the right legal advice is so important.

If you’re facing this life change and unsure where to start, our team of experienced and compassionate family lawyers are here to guide you through the process.

We provide independent legal advice and prioritise amicable and efficient resolutions. We can also provide legal representation in court if needed, and offer many avenues for resolving your matters out of court.


How Can A Separation Lawyer Help?

The Family Law Act provides specific guidelines for property settlement and parenting matters, whether you are divorcing or separating. They include time limits for property settlements, ways to organise parenting arrangements, and ways to resolve disputes in family law matters.

Working with a Separation Lawyer will ensure you understand how the law applies to your circumstances. This allows you to know where you stand in terms of your legal obligations and rights and what options you have to reach an agreement with the other party (your former spouse or ex-partner).

Speak To A Separation Lawyer About Your Family Law Matter Today

Please get in touch with our Accredited Lawyers today for expert advice and guidance about your separation.

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Where Do I Start The Separation Process?

Most separations and divorces begin when one partner in the relationship communicates with the other about wanting to end things or when both parties mutually agree that the relationship has run its course.

From here, there are a multitude of pathways to resolving matters, depending on the nature of your relationship and whether you share children or significant assets. A major factor in legally ending relationships is how well you and your former partner get along and whether you can amicably—or at least civilly—reach an agreement about how to move forward.

Getting some good, early legal advice is the best place to start. You’ll need to share the details of your relationship, financials and children with your lawyer, and bring any related paperwork to your first meeting. Consider what is an ideal outcome for you, and find out what options you have for reaching an agreement with your former spouse or partner.

What Legal Matters Will I Need To Think About After Separation?

You’ll need to consider a number of things, deciding on what life stage you are at and the nature of your relationship, including:

  • Getting a divorce or officially separating, even if you choose to stay living together
  • Early parenting arrangements and financial agreements, while you both agree on a long-term plan
  • Parenting arrangements if you have children
  • How to divide property and finalise a property settlement
  • any shared business interests
  • child support
  • spousal maintenance
    It’s also worth thinking about updating your will, insurance policies and any other legal documents that need to be updated
  • Common Issues in Divorce
    • Property division and asset allocation can be a contentious issue in divorce.
    • Child custody and parenting arrangements can be a challenging aspect of divorce.
    • Spousal maintenance and financial support can be a complex issue in divorce.

Some people can easily agree on the next steps, and others require legal support. Relationships with factors such as family violence, high conflict levels, or complex property settlement can require more legal intervention and may take some time to resolve adequately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Separation and living under one roof is when a couple considers themselves separated but continues to live in the same household. This arrangement may be due to financial constraints or for children’s sake.

The couple must demonstrate that their relationship has ended, such as sleeping separately and dividing household responsibilities.

In Australia, entitlements in separation may include property settlement, spousal maintenance, and child support. A family lawyer can assist in negotiating these aspects and ensure your financial interests are protected.
To start the separation process in Australia, let your partner know your intentions and begin organising the ‘next steps’. Consulting a family lawyer to obtain legal advice and understand your rights regarding property settlement and parenting arrangements is highly advised.

There is a lot to think about, but deciding on living arrangements, making parenting arrangements, separating joint bank accounts, and gathering financial information are good places to start. A family lawyer can help you negotiate these aspects, ensuring a smooth transition.

You and your ex-partner may be able to reach an agreement here, or a family lawyer can help you negotiate a parenting arrangement or a parenting order that is in the best interests of your child/ren.

Child support is another vital consideration of family law; which a family lawyer can help you understand your options for paying, or receiving.

After separation, gather all financial information, including joint bank accounts and superannuation details. A family lawyer can help you negotiate a fair settlement. You may decide to finalise financials by obtaining a consent order or a binding financial agreement, which can be organised without needing to attend court.

Yes, superannuation is considered property under Australian family law. It can be split as part of a property settlement. A family lawyer can help you navigate the court process to ensure a fair division and manage the essential dates and paperwork involved.

If you and the other parent are amicable, mediation is the easiest way to finalise things. A Separation Lawyer can help negotiate a financial consent order and parenting orders without attending court. This approach saves time, money, and emotional stress for both parties.

In a contentious breakup, consider seeking mediation services or the assistance of a family lawyer. They can help negotiate terms and apply for necessary parenting and financial orders. If mediation fails, attending court may be required to resolve disputes and ensure a fair outcome.

If there are safety issues, immediately contact 000 or a Family Lawyer who provides domestic and family violence advice. They can help you apply for urgent court orders and ensure protection. It’s crucial to address safety concerns first, then deal with the separation and parenting arrangements. Legal assistance can provide the necessary support and guidance.

There is no standard split for property settlements. The court considers various factors, including the contributions of each party and future needs. A family lawyer can help you navigate the court process and negotiate a fair division. Consent orders may be needed to formalise the agreement.

There is no standard parenting arrangement, as each case is unique. The court considers the best interests of the child. A family lawyer can help negotiate parenting and consent orders if needed. They provide guidance on dealing with the other parent and attending court if required.

After separation, you may have a reasonably straightforward property settlement or a much more complex property division process ahead of you. Asset allocation involves negotiating a property settlement agreement with your ex-partner or applying to the court for a property order.

This process ensures a fair distribution of assets, considering contributions from both parties and future needs. Seeking legal advice can help you navigate this challenging period.

Spousal maintenance, although rarer in Australia, is financial support paid by one partner to the other after separation. It can be awarded to a partner who cannot adequately support themselves financially after separation.

Eligibility depends on factors such as the applicant’s needs, the other partner’s ability to pay, and the duration of the relationship. A family lawyer can help you understand your rights and obligations regarding spousal maintenance and financial support.

In Australia, victims of domestic violence can apply for a court order to gain sole occupation of the home. This order ensures the victim’s safety and well-being by removing the abusive partner from the residence. The court considers factors such as the severity of the violence and the best interests of any children involved.

A separation lawyer can provide independent legal advice on various family law issues such as divorce, separation, and parenting matters (child custody). They assist with navigating the family law process, including filing court forms and representing clients in court. They also help negotiate property settlements and spousal maintenance agreements to ensure fair outcomes for their clients.

Awards & Recognition

Since 2017, Doyle’s Guide Has Recognised Our Expertise As Family Lawyers

“I wanted to let you know, Temika – how very grateful I have been to have you represent me over the past few years. You have certainly seen my worst side and kept me sane when I have really needed it! Your professionalism is second to none and I couldn’t have asked for any one better to be on my side! So from the very bottom of my heart thank you!!”

– KD

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